When Will We Rebuild Our Barn?

Our barn is no longer serving us. In some ways, our barn is now a hazard. By barn, think of how we collaborate, innovate and unlock possibilities. Our regulatory, political, business and social structures are failing us. Rather than paint over or patch, Consider a redesign. Today, many focus solely on what’s in it for

Is Collaboration Just an Event?

Our systems and organizational cultures are not functioning properly.  Our regulatory and legal system, too often fails both the proponent and the opponent. Why do we continue to waste time, resources and people on so many poorly managed projects? Break Through to Yes promises to deliver a method to make collaboration work for you and

Embrace Conflict: Circles and Oil Sands Pipelines

Embrace Conflict and Come Together; So much of what we believe is right and common sense does not seem like right or common sense to others. So much of what we believe is right and common sense in our profession and our industry does not seem like right   or common sense to others. The stakes

Kirkus Review on Break Through To Yes

2016 Kirkus Review on Break Through To Yes http://l5t75)WYli7ymNMtoS “Canadian collaboration expert Savage (a contributor to Ready, Aim, Excel, 2012) offers a work that couldn’t be more timely. While it addresses organizational collaboration, this book could be interpreted more broadly as a treatise on building a cooperative culture within families, groups, businesses, and government. In

Why Not A Collaborative Global Initiative?

We live in an increasingly complex and interconnected world. Humanity faces global environmental, economic and human-based challenges of all kinds. Lasting solutions to these challenges require effective communication and learning across perspectives, cultures and sectors. At CGI, we believe humans are by nature collaborative. When people work together, allowing space to capture collective wisdom, we

David B Savage