These are some of the people that you can collaborate with. I do. I am.

Break Through Black Diamond

All the people in the world that make collaboration work; my team.

Every time I visualize a new project to serve the interests of my clients and our shared future, I explore ways to “real-ize” my vision. In business and not for profits, we have great boards of directors. For solo-prenuers, I have always coached my clients to create a personal board of directors to assist them in realizing their dreams (personally and professionally).

Today, as I realign my services and engagements to better serve me and my future and current clients, I am reaching out to the “masters” of Leadership, Creating Shared Value, Coaching, Interest-Based Negotiation, Dispute Resolution and Mindfulness. They all care deeply about business, community, and environment. They yearn to collaborate to create a future that is healthy for all. They will challenge me, encourage me and multiply my presence. They come from my global network with wonderful, diversity of perspectives, expertise,and demographics. They make me work better.

As I do this, I want to thank and celebrate all the people that have got me to this incredible space.

I do this to recognize my teachers, mentors, partners,and collaborators. And I do this to encourage you to do the same.

Who is in your incredible space that have, and will, make your, their, and our shared future far better? Have you thanked them? Are you re-engaging 9 to move you forward now?

Here are many of the great people from my global network that offered their wisdom on collaboration in my work including my 2015/ 2016 podcasts on collaboration; Podcasts

and my 2016 book “Break Through To Yes: Unlocking the Possible within a Culture of Collaboration”; Book

Pierre Alvarez, Bob Acton, Alissa Amos, James Armstrong, Duncan Autrey, Hedy Bach, Kevin Barg, Trish Barnes, Paul Blakeney, Ann Beglar, Scott Berry, Esther Bleuel, Jan Boydol, Susan Brady, Edward Justin Brown, Colin Campbell, Cheryl Cardinal, Marie- Jose Caire, Nicola Carteret, Denise Chartrand, Pete Cheesbrough, Brad Clarke, Ken Cloke, Jeffrey Cohen, Everett Cox, Bob Currie, Herky Cutler, Al Davis, Sarah Daitch, Teresa de Grobois, Denene Derksen, Tammy Dewar, Heather Douglas, Jason Donev, Shawne Duperon, Iris English, Bernie Fitterer, Amy Elizabeth Fox, Erica Ariel Fox, Ronald Fraser, Rob Gay, Marshall Goldsmith, David Gould, Emily Gould, David Gouthro, Geoff Greenwell, John Griffith, Alan Gross, Natasha Halikowski, Donna Hastings, Rick Hatala, James Heilman, Michael D. Hill, Peter K. Hisch, Stephen Hobbs, Laura Hummelle, Stacey Hunt, Glenn Isaac, Jodie Kekula, Myles Kitigawa, Art Korpach, Johanne Lavoie, Keith Laws, Lise Levesque, Don Loney, Dr. Nancy Love, Ginger Lapid-Bogda, Jose Luis, Ray MacEachern, Lynda MacNeill, Scott Manjak, Sherry Matheson, Linda Matthie, James Douglas McCormick, Neil McCrank, Anna McHargue, Bruce McIntyre, Rod McKay, Jeanne McPherson, Andrew J. McQuiston, Henry Mead, Scott Meakin, Bryce Medd, Dana Meise, David Milia, Dianne Miller, Miten, Michel Molvot, Patricia Morgan, Maxine Morrison, James Muraro, Ronda Raven Neuhaus, Kevin Neveu, Cinnie Noble, Gary Ockenden, Krystal Oleson, Charles O’Sullivan, O’Neil Outar, Aaron Parker, Becky Pelkonan, Denise Pelletier, Rob Peters, Michelle Phaneuf, Robert Pojasek, Rob Poole, Kathy Porter, Jackie Rafter, John Reilly, Karla Reesor, David Richardson, Sharon Richardson, Lorraine Richmond, Ryan Robb, Gary Roberts, Michael Rochelle, Chuck Rose, Gena Rotstein, Nick Rubidge, Tara Russell, Ron Salt, Prabha Sankaranarayan, Dan Savage, Heather Savage, Carrie Schafer, Phillip Schecter, Richard Schultz, India Sherret, Harold Shand, Don Simmons, Kriss Skogg, Al Skucas, Mary Ellen Smith, Stephen Smith, Steve Speer, Janice Sommerfeld, Tina Spiegel, Douglas Stone, Dave Struthers, Ronald Supancic, Atul Tandon, Carol Todd, Dee Ann Turner, Pat Van Vesteren, Lee Wahl, Robin Wesman, Wieland Wettstein, Garth Wiggill, Riley Wilcox, Barry Wilson, Viki Winterton, Faith Wood, Kerry Woodcock, Graham Woolgar, Carley Zenner and many more.

So when you dream and visualize your profound future, realize it by reaching out to those people, resources and innovations around the world that will Make It So(step 10 in my book). The best and brightest are ready to collaborate with you. We are one. We are not alone. We will.

David B. Savage

David B Savage

David B Savage