Dispute Resolution


  • In an increasingly short-term, task-oriented and competitive industry, how can we encourage more creative, inclusive and “big picture” ways of thinking?
  • While telephone calls and email communications are at times good things, how can we encourage effective face to face two-way communication?
  • In this time of stricter corporate governance for executives and directors dealing with an ever increasingly complex industry, can we find approaches that will maximize productive endeavors and minimize resources and opportunities lost on conflict?
  • If greater than 95% of conflicts in our industry are resolved by employees, management, and advisors, then why are there not a broader range of tools and processes available to those professionals?
  • If greater than 95% of the company to company conflicts are not within the mandates of the government/ regulatory boards, then do we why keep looking to them for solutions?
  • If greater than 95% of cases before the court are settled out of court, then why focus on adversarial legal positioning for the 5%?
  • How much shareholder value is lost due to avoidance, failure to explore alternatives and failure to identify mutual gains?

Company to Company

  • Wondering how to get through a challenging negotiation?
  • Do you need some different strategies to improve your business partnerships?
  • Looking for ideas to deal productively with conflict and get on with business?
David B Savage

David B Savage