How to Effectively Deal with Conflict

You are in conflict personally and professionally every moment. How you effectively you deal with those conflicts determines your future success, support, and opportunities. I am in conflict every day. While I get angry, judgmental and afraid, I set my intention on how I choose to effectively deal with conflict. Here is an excerpt from

When Will We Rebuild Our Barn?

Our barn is no longer serving us. In some ways, our barn is now a hazard. By barn, think of how we collaborate, innovate and unlock possibilities. Our regulatory, political, business and social structures are failing us. Rather than paint over or patch, Consider a redesign. Today, many focus solely on what’s in it for

These are some of the people that you can collaborate with. I do. I am.

All the people in the world that make collaboration work; my team. Every time I visualize a new project to serve the interests of my clients and our shared future, I explore ways to “real-ize” my vision. In business and not for profits, we have great boards of directors. For solo-prenuers, I have always coached

What Is Perceived and How May It Affect How I Negotiate My Life (and our future)?

ā€œThe are no facts, only interpretations.ā€ Friedrich Nietzsche In these days of turmoil, challenge, wall builders and opportunity, be conscious of your own interpretations. Shadows: A beautiful warm sunny day in Tulum, Mexico and a sense of adventure had me wanting a journey. I spoke to some travelers experienced in this area and a local

David B Savage

David B Savage