Summer Solstice and Collaboration

Summer Solstice and Collaboration

Thank you for sharing your time and collaborating. In this update, I offer;

  • Offers and Asks
    • Recommendations
    • Bestseller Day
  • Progress and Opportunities
    • International
    • Events
    • Podcasts
    • New works and invitations
  • Summer Solstice and Collaboration
  • 5 Key Questions

A valuable volume for the senior leader of any group, business, or organization who wants to build a collaborative culture.”  

Kirkus Reviews
Read the Full Review 

Offers and Asks

With this update, I offer free downloads, insights, podcasts, tools, assessments and opportunities. Through these free resources, my intention is to build our shared awareness, insights and leadership to build collaborative cultures in our organizations, communities and nations. In my travels this year in North America and Europe, I witness increasing fear, wall building and isolation. I believe this contracting culture causes repeated failures, conflict, misunderstanding, misalignment of the organization and its leadership, lost productivity, wasted time and wasted resources.

I ask you to help me to fight this fear based, hero led culture by building our collaborative leadership and networks. Here are two ways that you can help me;


Please write a review of Break Through To Yes on;

Amazon and Indigo

Bestseller Buy Day:

I have gifted Break Through To Yes to the 100 people quoted in our book and the 46 people interviewed in our podcasts. I have gifted a further 100 to Not For Profits and individual leaders. I hope to have a “bestseller” to build our network and awareness.

I ask you and five of your friends or associates to purchase the
NEW Audible version of Break Through To Yes
specifically on Thursday June 30th.

For those that are not Audible subscribers yet, my book is a free download. With our busy schedules and travel/ commute time, I listen to three audio books each month. Thank you for reaching out to your global network to serve them and make Break Through To Yes a bestseller.


Progress and Opportunities

Since our worldwide release of Break Through To Yes on March 22, 2016, we are Unlocking the Possible.


Elevate Publishing and I are in final negotiations with a Chinese publisher to release Break Through To Yes in China. They intend to start with a print run of 15,000 books! We are hoping to find additional opportunities to spread intelligence on collaboration. Last month, I was asked in Toulouse, France, when will your book be available in French?

Talks and Workshops:

In the past three months, I have spoken at thirty-nine events in British Columbian, Alberta, California and France to share Break Through To Yes and build our collaborative culture and network. A sampling of these events includes;

  • Ted Talk style recording at the Canadian Association of Professional Speakers in Calgary.
  • Collaboration Workshop with my Collaborative Global Initiative in San Luis Obispo.
  • Collaboration Assessment workshops with SharEd in Vernon, BC and Heart and Stroke Foundation in Calgary.
  • Creating Shared Value with Collaboration event at the University of Calgary, Haskayne School of Business.


Download my 26 podcasts for free on my website, and on iTunes, VoiceAmerica, Fractal Friends and Tenacious Living.

Break Through To Yes New Works
You may now purchase our book in hardcover, eBook and Audible. I am working on a series of future releases;


  • Break Through To Yes; The Workbook with Doreen Liberto
  • Break Through to Yes; The Podcasts Plus (eBook and Audio package)
  • A series of 50 page books on collaboration and leadership


Summer Solstice and Collaboration

Monday, June 20th, the season changed. Traditions around summer solstice include releasing what is no longer serving us and embracing what is needed now.

My wife, Lise, and I had a group of friends over to our heritage home in Cranbrook, enjoyed conversation, food and drinks and experienced the change of season around a campfire.

With organizations, communities and our world facing scarcity, fear, separation and increasing complexity, collaboration is the way we lead and provide fresh ideas and initiatives for our future.

With the transition from spring to summer, let’s set our intention to advance our collaborative leadership and organizational cultures.


Five Key Questions
5 Key Questions for you to consider when you wish to move your vision forward;

  1. Who are the people and what are the resources inside and outside your organization that you will access?
  2. How may you assess your readiness and gaps?
  3. How will you design your collaboration?
  4. What do you commit to?
  5. How do you choose to lead?

Enjoy summer and get outside. Nature is restorative to our spirits and allows us time for re-creation.


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David B Savage